2022 Christmas Letter

COVID decided to hit me hard the weekend before Christmas and therefore put a halt to printing and mailing out my Christmas letters. I had every intent of having them ready to mail out on Monday, but I had no energy to do much of anything much less address and stamp my normal of up to 100 envelopes. I’m sure you all would appreciate not having me send envelopes that I licked this week either… lol. I was going to email my letter instead but I do not have email addresses for everyone that I usually send to. So, I decided that posting here would be an easier way to get my letter out to everyone. Considering that it has been awhile since I have posted, this will also update all of my public readers as well. While writing continues to be a passion of mine, finding the time to focus on it is often difficult. I will make an effort to post more in the upcoming year.

I am thankful that this time around with COVID has been less intense than the first time I had it in February. My cough then lasted a good six months or more. Please pray for continual recovery as I go back to work this week. I am also thankful that somehow the kids managed not to get it even while stuck in the house with me. Kaleb was sick with something but tested negative for COVID twice. Both girls stayed healthy the whole time. Hopefully, our home is on the mend and we can avoid sickness into the new year for awhile.

Today has been a blessing as it is the first Christmas day I have had with the kids since the divorce in 2019. We slept in then got up and opened presents. The girls and I had our big present in October when we went to see Broadway Hadestown in St. Louis, MO. Kaleb was very excited about his science kit that has a volcano, rock collection, crystals, etc. in it. All of us enjoyed the gifts that we opened this morning. I made breakfast and then we video chatted with out of town family. The kids left later to spend the night with their dad and grandparents which gives me time to decompress before heading back to work tomorrow.

I truly hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas weekend!


Dear Family & Friends,

I cannot remember the last time that we sent a Christmas letter so I figured that we are well overdue for an update. A lot has happened in recent years and God has been faithful to carry our family through all the good and the difficult circumstances we have encountered along the way. We are continually reminded of His blessings and care for us in all things!

Kendal is in 10th grade. She continues to enjoy choir and theater. This year she played one of the Silly Girls in her high school’s production of Broadway’s Disney Beauty and the Beast. She was the Sultan in Disney’s Aladdin Jr. at our community theater over the summer. Earlier this year, in the spring of 9th grade, she played one of the leading roles as the murder in A Plot Like Gravy Thickens at her high school. This school year she is in Acapella, Purple Aries, Treble choirs.

Audrey is in 8th grade and although she has been living with me thus far, she has just moved to live with Shane last month. We made this decision for several reasons but primarily to give her a fresh start in a different school environment. She also enjoys theater. She played in the ensemble in Mamma Mia this Fall and a Palace Guard in Disney’s Aladdin Jr. this summer, both at our community theater. Audrey also enjoys art…drawing, painting, etc. She is very creative.

Kaleb is in Kindergarten. He absolutely loves school and learning. He comes home spelling words and sharing new things that he has learned on a regular basis. He loves playing with his friends. His favorite things right now are Sonic the Hedgehog, Spiderman, and dinosaurs. He enjoys collecting shiny things (rocks, beads, etc.) and loves when people read to him.

I am working at a local motorcoach company in the charter department and am transitioning into the management position as my manager retired this month. The last few years, I have helped lead the Divorce Care class at our church. The 4th class I have been a part of is wrapped up this month. I am halfway through a year long small Discipleship Group through church…which will eventually continue with me leading my own small group sometime next year. I also host a competitive board Game Night every month for several of my friends.

Prayer requests as we move into the new year are for my continual chronic migraine treatment, navigating medical concerns for each of the kids, and managing our family transitions & schedules.

May God Bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you this new year!

Love Always!  Alysa, Kendal, Audrey, & Kaleb

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